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Backup Solution & IT Study/DellEMC

[Avamar]Avamar 27000 Port Open

by blue_licht 2021. 3. 2.

1. Login to the Avamar utiltiy node as root and load the dpnid keys per KB 95614.

2. Verify this file is absent:

• ls -l /usr/local/avamar/lib/admin/security/

3. Create the gsan-port file using vi (or equivalent).

• vi /usr/local/avamar/lib/admin/security/gsan-port

4. On the first line insert:

• GSAN_PLAIN_TEXT='27000,'

5. Save the close the file.

6. If on a multi-node grid copy the file to the data nodes. If a Single Node skip to Step 6.

• mapall --user=root copy /usr/local/avamar/lib/admin/security/gsan-port

7. Once copied move the file to the correct directory.

• mapall --user=root mv gsan-port /usr/local/avamar/lib/admin/security/

8. Restart the avfirewall services.

• mapall --noerror --all+ --user=root 'service avfirewall restart'

9. Confirm no further issues exist by running telnet from utility node to one of the Avamar Data Nodes.
