Avamar Time sync 2가지 방법
1. NTP Server 없을 경우
root@avamar:~/>: su - dpnid
dpn@avamar:~/>: ssh-agent bash
dpn@avamar:~/>: ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid
dpn@avamar:~/>: asktime
asktime: INFO: [asktime version 4.1.1-340 (1.6)]
asktime: INFO: Logging to /usr/local/avamar/var/asktime.log
asktime: INFO: The name "ntp" did not resolve to any DNS "IN A"
resource records.
If you wish asktime to suggest a list of internal time servers
automatically, then ask your hostmaster to create one
or more "IN A" resource records for the name "ntp"
in the "gangbuk.go.kr" zone.
For example:
ntp IN A
ntp IN A
ntp IN A
Creating DNS resource records for "ntp" is optional; you
will have other opportunities to enter time server information.
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Do you wish to use U.S. public Internet time servers such as
those offered by NIST or the U.S. Naval Observatory?
Please note the following issues with public time servers:
1. NETWORK CONFIGURATION: In order to use public Internet time
servers your site must allow port 123/udp traffic to and
from the selected Internet time servers.
2. SECURITY: Your site security policy might forbid the use
of Internet time servers. Consider setting up two or
more internal NTP time servers instead.
3. APPROPRIATE USE: Some of the U.S. public time servers known
to asktime are intended to be used only by clients within
specific U.S. time zones. If you use one of these time
servers, then asktime infers that you are using the
corresponding local time zone.
(Your previous answer was: "n".)
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): n
Are there other external time servers that you
would like to use?
(Your previous answer was: "n".)
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): n
Do you have a dedicated Axion subnet configuration, e.g., 2##.##.##.0/25?
Answer y(es) if only Axion nodes reside in the subnet;
n(o) if non-Axion nodes share the subnet
(Your previous answer was: "y".)
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
This host, "avamar.backup.com", is a member of subnet 2##.##.##.0/25.
Use this subnet?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Use this previously specified local time zone?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Do you wish to configure the default set of nodes?
Answering y(es) configures this set of nodes:
#.s -- all utility/services nodes,
#.# -- all data nodes.
Answering n(o) will afford you the opportunity to
configure other MCS nodes and/or individual nodes.
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Generating time configuration files...
[mktime.custom version 1.2]
The time configuration files have been created
in the following directory:
Do you wish to proceed with installation of these
files on the selected nodes?
Answering y(es) will proceed with installation.
Answering n(o) will not proceed, but will leave
available for future use the answers you have
made to the preceding configuration questions.
Answering q(uit) will exit WITHOUT saving your
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
We need an approximately correct initial date and time.
Here is the current date and time on this host, avamarex.gangbuk.go.kr:
Fri May 22 11:00:56 KST 2009
Please pay close attention to the MONTH, DAY, and YEAR
as well as the time.
Is this approximately correct (within a minute or two)?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Distributing and installing time configuration files.
Please allow a minimum of 5 minutes. More time may
be required, depending on the number of nodes in the
Axion system and how busy those nodes are.
If you wish to watch this process, apply this command
in another window:
tail -f /usr/local/avamar/var/timedist.log
You may also find it helpful to monitor the following
file on each node (starting with 0.s):
Time now: Fri May 22 11:00:58 KST 2009
Please wait...
Do you wish to wait and watch for time synchronization?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
asktime: INFO: Status monitoring key:
x ntpd not running on one or more nodes (should auto-correct quickly)
o no clock selected yet on one or more nodes
. unsatisfactory clock selections on one or more nodes
< insufficient time server contacts on one or more nodes
> offset still greater than 2 s on one or more nodes
) offset still greater than 1 s on one or more nodes
} offset still greater than 500 ms on one or more nodes
| offset still greater than 250 ms on one or more nodes
* possible convergence seen (offset <= 250 ms on all nodes)
- Ideally you will see something like this: "ooxxooooooooooooooo........***"
- If you interrupt monitoring with control-C, there may be a delay
of a few seconds before monitoring stops.
Commencing 60 monitoring passes, with 10-second intervals
between passes. Time now: Fri May 22 11:13:40 KST 2009
We appear to have time synchronization.
Time now on this host: Fri May 22 11:23:57 KST 2009
Do you wish to see the results?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Using /usr/local/avamar/var/probe.out
(0.s) ssh -x admin@2##.##.##'/usr/sbin/ntpq -pn 2>&1'
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* LOCAL(0) 8 l 25 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.001
(0.0) ssh -x admin@ '/usr/sbin/ntpq -pn 2>&1'
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*2##.##.##.## LOCAL(0) 9 u 41 64 17 0.132 1.346 1.848
(0.1) ssh -x admin@211.##.##.## '/usr/sbin/ntpq -pn 2>&1'
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*2##.##.##.## LOCAL(0) 9 u 37 64 17 0.127 4.184 2.999
2##.##.##.## .INIT. 16 u 34 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
(0.2) ssh -x admin@211.##.##.## '/usr/sbin/ntpq -pn 2>&1'
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
*2##.##.##.## LOCAL(0) 9 u 37 64 17 0.125 1.608 1.130
2##.##.##.## .INIT. 16 u 34 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00
Using /usr/local/avamar/var/probe.out
(0.s) ssh -x admin@2##.##.##.## '/bin/date'
(0.0) ssh -x admin@2##.##.##.## '/bin/date'
(0.1) ssh -x admin@2##.##.##.## '/bin/date'
(0.2) ssh -x admin@2##.##.##.## '/bin/date'
Fri May 22 11:24:07 KST 2009
Fri May 22 02:24:07 UTC 2009
Fri May 22 02:24:07 UTC 2009
Fri May 22 02:24:07 UTC 2009
* Time on this host is: Fri May 22 11:24:07 KST 2009
2. NTP Server 있을 경우
root@avamar:~/>: su - dpnid
dpn@avamar:~/>: ssh-agent bash
dpn@avamar:~/>: ssh-add ~/.ssh/dpnid
dpn@avamar:~/>: asktime
asktime: INFO: [asktime version 4.1.1-340 (1.6)]
asktime: INFO: Logging to /usr/local/avamar/var/asktime.log
asktime: INFO: The name "ntp" did not resolve to any DNS "IN A"
resource records.
If you wish asktime to suggest a list of internal time servers
automatically, then ask your hostmaster to create one
or more "IN A" resource records for the name "ntp"
in the "backup.com" zone.
For example:
ntp IN A
ntp IN A
ntp IN A
Creating DNS resource records for "ntp" is optional; you
will have other opportunities to enter time server information.
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Do you wish to use U.S. public Internet time servers such as
those offered by NIST or the U.S. Naval Observatory?
Please note the following issues with public time servers:
1. NETWORK CONFIGURATION: In order to use public Internet time
servers your site must allow port 123/udp traffic to and
from the selected Internet time servers.
2. SECURITY: Your site security policy might forbid the use
of Internet time servers. Consider setting up two or
more internal NTP time servers instead.
3. APPROPRIATE USE: Some of the U.S. public time servers known
to asktime are intended to be used only by clients within
specific U.S. time zones. If you use one of these time
servers, then asktime infers that you are using the
corresponding local time zone.
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): n
Are there other external time servers that you
would like to use?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Please enter the IP addresses of the external
time servers, one per line, in the form
A.B.C.D, e.g.
Time servers may also be specified as host names,
provided that those names will resolve.
Press Enter or Return after each response.
An empty response (a blank line) ends the list.
[02] (보라넷 타임 서버) (이화여대 타임 서버)
This is the list that you entered:
Is this list correct?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Use this previously specified local time zone?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Generating time configuration files...
[mktime.custom version 1.2]
The time configuration files have been created
in the following directory:
Do you wish to proceed with installation of these
files on the selected node?
Answering y(es) will proceed with installation.
Answering n(o) will not proceed, but will leave
available for future use the answers you have
made to the preceding configuration questions.
Answering q(uit) will exit WITHOUT saving your
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
We need an approximately correct initial date and time.
Here is the current date and time from NTP, but
with year and time zone from this host:
Thu Jul 9 17:20:35 KST 2009
Please pay close attention to the MONTH, DAY, and YEAR
as well as the time.
Is this approximately correct (within a minute or two)?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Distributing and installing time configuration files.
Please allow a minimum of 3 minutes. More time may
be required, depending on the number of nodes in the
Axion system and how busy those nodes are.
If you wish to watch this process, apply this command
in another window:
tail -f /usr/local/avamar/var/timedist.log
You may also find it helpful to monitor the following
file on each node (starting with 0.s):
Time now: Thu Jul 9 17:20:58 KST 2009
Please wait...
Do you wish to wait and watch for time synchronization?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
]asktime: INFO: Status monitoring key:
x ntpd not running on one or more nodes (should auto-correct quickly)
o no clock selected yet on one or more nodes
. unsatisfactory clock selections on one or more nodes
< insufficient time server contacts on one or more nodes
> offset still greater than 2 s on one or more nodes
) offset still greater than 1 s on one or more nodes
} offset still greater than 500 ms on one or more nodes
| offset still greater than 250 ms on one or more nodes
* possible convergence seen (offset <= 250 ms on all nodes)
- Ideally you will see something like this: "ooxxooooooooooooooo........***"
- If you interrupt monitoring with control-C, there may be a delay
of a few seconds before monitoring stops.
Commencing 60 monitoring passes, with 10-second intervals
between passes. Time now: Thu Jul 9 17:21:07 KST 2009
We appear to have time synchronization.
Time now on this host: Thu Jul 9 17:25:54 KST 2009
Do you wish to see the results?
y(es), n(o), q(uit/exit): y
Using /usr/local/avamar/var/probe.out
(0.0) ssh -x admin@203.###.###.### '/usr/sbin/ntpq -pn 2>&1'
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 4 u 42 64 377 4.802 -1.127 2.342 .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 4000.00 LOCAL(0) 8 l 45 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.001
Using /usr/local/avamar/var/probe.out
(0.0) ssh -x admin@203.###.###.###'/bin/date'
Thu Jul 9 17:30:32 KST 2009
* Time on this host is: Thu Jul 9 17:30:32 KST 2009
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